Consulting Arborist I Services
Tree Permits ▪ Inspections ▪ CA Reports
Practical, Hands-on City Forestry
Learn more by Work Activity/ Permit Type:
Crane Clearance Pruning
For Parks approval and on-site cost reduction, HLArb develops Plan & Elevation diagrams that determine extent of clearance pruning needed. These:
1) expedite tree work permits,
2) allow accurate estimate for tree work,
3) minimize time for tree work.
Photo renderings in CA Report are also very helpful.

Tree Sidewalk & Curb Repairs to...
eliminate trip hazards due to roots elevating flags from bygone, undersized 4’ x 4’ beds. Today’s are 5’ x 10’.
- With 4 x 4 beds, tree roots are largely contained; the biggest lateral is right against the curb.
- Beyond bed, curb lateral root can go a considerable distance.They never extend under the street.
- Laterals frequently follow sidewalks' linear joint patterns.
- Lateral roots are right under the sidewalk, necessitating all demolition and excavation be by-hand.
More... NYC Parks Trees & Sidewalks Program

Trees & Underground Utility Line Repair
The constant nitty gritty, guts and bolts operation of keeping up NYC’s street tree canopy. Parameters:
Typical Ground Depths: Tree Roots: <18” Electric, gas: >18” Water, sewer lines: >3.5’
Least Resistant Path: From street main lines, maintain existing branch to building connections.
Very common are 311 emergency 'city plumbing' repairs to water and sewer lines. As in gallery here, excavation involves meticulous tunneling beneath networks of roots by-hand - extreme treekeeping by any measure. In the trenches of city forest management, skilled labor and Certified Arborist required .
MicroTrenching - Tree 5G Fiber Optic Install
MicroTrenching is the 'cutting edge" means now to install 5G fiber optic cables in cities, as needed by Verizon, Google and others.
It impacts tree roots far less than traditional trenching, even that by-hand.
Standard Verizon installs involve placing conduits in a spliced narrow channel (1” wide, 12” depth) along curb/sidewalk interface
or immediately in back of curbs along tree beds. Gallery describes instances where that is not possible.
NYC Parks Certified Arborist (CA) Reports
In general, submit...
...Type 1 for completed construction and...
...Type 2 for proposed construction to get Tree Work Permits.

Trees & Sidewalk Shed Impacts
While shed impacts have become fewer, they are still a leading cause of street tree death and disfigurement. They deprive trees of water and light and make vandalism easier. In a no-man's land, it's difficult to determine damage liability. The longer sheds stay up the more permanent tree decline is likely.